More and more indutries are utilising the serivces of Drone Operators and Drone Pilots. Real estate, commercial property, oil & gas, construction, agriculture and even the wedding sector, By 2030 Pwc estimate there will be 76,000 drones operating in the UK’s skies. So it’s not unusual to be thinking about employing the services of a drone pilot for your business. But where do you start? What do you need to know about your Drone Pilot? Here are a few questions you need the answers to before employing soeone

- Is your drone pilot qualified? Does your drone operator hold a valid PfCO license? If he/she is flying a drone for commercial gain (i.e. any paid work or reward) then they must have a license. Otherwise you are both breaking the law. You wouldn’t employ a driver without a drivers license therefore don’t take the risk with someone flying in the sky. Aside from the obvious legal and safety aspects your business reputation is at risk. ALWAYS ask for a copy of the PfCO license.
- Does your pilot have insurance? Every pilot must hold a minimum of £1m public liability insurance. Always ask for a copy of this document.
- How much experience does your drone pilot have? It’s all very well going with the cheapest quote but how competent are they? Check their website for previous footage. Ask to see examples of their work. What other businesses are they supplying? Have they carried out similar projects previously? If you want an aerial roof inspection then don’t employ a wedding aerial videographer with no relevant experience and vice versa. Buying a camera doesn’t automatically make you a professional photographer. Drones are no different.
- What equipment are they using? This is important as there is no one size fits all rule. You don’t want a 10KG industrial drone flying over your wedding party. Simiarly you don’t want a lightweight supermarket drone conducting a roof inspection in an area with high winds.
- What format are they filming in? What quality and file type do you need your footage to be captured in. For example If you want high quality aerial video you will need your drone pilot to be filming in at least 4K.
Drones are brilliant technology and can provide businesses with great insight and marketing tools. But like any other industry there are unqualified individuals ready to take on jobs they cannot fulfil legally and safely, at a cheaper price. Police Scotland are clamping down on unqualified drone pilots and prosecuting those who break the law. Do not risk your reputation and the safety of others for the sake of saving a few hundred pounds. Ask the questions.
For further information on Drone Scotland contact our team at

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